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Gary Chris Christopherson
Gary Christopherson
Gary A. Christopherson


We Are Vulnerable!

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"Never Again" Video - Stop killing our children & our future! YouTube YouTube

We Are Vulnerable! Fearful! Angry!

Vulnerable. You are! Your family is! Your community is! Our world is! Our whole future is!

We see it in our faces and hear it in our voices. We feel vulnerable. We fear. We are angry. 

We and people we care about are vulnerable. Some to greater extent; some to lesser extent. Some today; some in the future. No one is invulnerable.

We will be even more vulnerable in our future unless we fix what is broken and build a surviving and thriving future.

But, We Can Reduce Vulnerability By Building A Thriving Future!

We are at tipping point when our future is most endangered and we are most capable in history.

There is a chance. There is hope. All of us together can build this future. Join with Thrive! Endeavor® to build and sustain a thriving future. ThriveEndeavor.org  



vision of less vulnerable world


And Achieve And Sustain A Thriving Future When All Thrive Forever!

The time has come to be very bold. Thrive!® is a future where all thrive forever®. AllThriveForever.org

For you and your family, your communities, and our world, this future is a better life now and forever. We need this future because we need to survive and want to thrive.


envision earth thriving


Thrivism® - Path To Thriving Future For All

Thrivism Blog: Thrivism.blog     Thrivism website: Thrivism.world     Thrivism Facebook: Thrivism

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Thrivism (Thrive!) – Path to Thriving Future For All. Thrivism (Thrive!®) is the path to, belief in, and vision of thriving future for all – all thrive forever. It is hopeful path. Inspiring vision. Positive belief system. Positive way of life

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Thrive! Websites, Blogs, eMedia, Books, Sculpture

Copyright 2014-21
Gary "Chris" Christopherson